Narrative Design Process

This part of the project has been a really hard thing for me. Not because of the content or lack of creativity, but because it goes against my creative process as a whole. I tend to be a sit down and crank out the creative project all at once type of person... this narrative process has been "asking" me to workshop an idea for a length of time, which seems so foreign to me. Making it very hard to focus and work on an idea!!

So far, working over time has not worked well for me, I am a visual person by nature so I have done a few little sketches to generate the "look" of the story in my head, but I really need to sit down and write it out. 

My concept is a game to teach 4th - 5th graders the basics of computer essentials, specifically the functionality of some of the primary hardware components. 

The game will be called "Prof. Ludlow and the personal computer". Learners will enter Prof. Ludlow's lab and help him to successfully build a personal computer. Through out the story Prof. Ludlow will teach about the important components of a computer and have the player identify and select the proper components based on the Professor's needs. 

Some of the feedback I have received so far is based on the story elements and focusing on my learning objectives. Throughout the week I have been brainstorming a "conflict" and really like the idea of a "failed" computer if the wrong choices are made. 

From a story standpoint, I don't see my story having to many branches to navigate through, but I want to have a few paths defined that will lead to either failure or success. I just haven't quite figured out what that failure is yet or how to showcase it. 


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