
This past week we have been going through the process of brain storming (Game storming) ideas for a game. This has been a fun creative exercise to think through the process of creating a story that could eventually be turned into a learning game. 

For me, the gamification of a learning idea has been tricky, not because I can't think of a story, but more so because in my day to day life I am not "teaching"... so trying to figure out something that I want to teach or have someone learn isn't intuitive to me. 

In the end, I am pulling inspiration from my daughter and some of the experience I see her not obtaining in school. Last semester in another one of my classes I built a few projects around the idea that in her school they use technology, but there is no course work teaching the students ABOUT the technology.  

With that base idea, I started to work through how I can provide this material in a fun and engaging way. I don't have all the details of the story worked out just yet, but the idea is that the player will work with a "mentor" to learn the basic components of a computer. With this knowledge they will then be able to work through building a computer for personal use. 


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